
Board of Directors
Board Officers:
President: Chantelle Bambrick - Foothills Landscape Management Forum at fRI Research
Vice-President: Heather Robertson-Gagne - Alberta Environment and Protected Areas
Secretary: shared by Jennifer McGuinness and Destiny Gauthier
Treasurer: Valerie Miller - Future Energy Systems, University of Alberta
Subject Matter Leads:
Soils & Land Use: Cassandra Gnyra - Lakeland College
Aquatics: Kerri O'Shaughnessy - Cows and Fish (Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society)
Forestry: Destiny Gauthier - Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society
Wildlife: Jill Henry - County of Grande Prairie
Current Issue: Valerie Miller - Future Energy Systems, University of Alberta
Task Team Leads:
Communications and Promotions: shared by Heather Robertson-Gagne and Kate Winterford
Fundraising: Chantelle Bambrick
Learning & Testing: Kerri O'Shaughnessy
Event Logistics: Jennifer McGuinness - Lakeland College
General Board Members:
Allison Brown - Alberta Forestry and Parks
Kate Winterford - County of Grande Prairie
Bradley Peter - Alberta Lake Management Society
Ilana Music - Inside Education
To connect with any of our board members, please email AlbertaEnvirothonOfficial@gmail.com